What is Diamond Clarity?
Diamond clarity refers to the presence or absence of internal and external imperfections, also known as inclusions and blemishes, within a diamond. Clarity is one of the four Cs of diamond grading, along with cut, color, and carat weight, and it plays a crucial role in determining a diamond's overall quality and value.

The clarity of a diamond is graded based on the size, number, nature, and location of these imperfections when viewed under 10x magnification by a trained gemologist. Diamonds with fewer and smaller imperfections are considered to have higher clarity grades and are typically more valuable.

The Diamond Clarity Scale
The diamond clarity scale ranges from Flawless (FL), which indicates that no internal or external imperfections are visible under 10x magnification, to Included (I), which indicates that the diamond has significant inclusions visible to the naked eye. Between these extremes there are various grades, including Internally Flawless (IF), Very Very Slightly Included (VVS), Very Slightly Included (VS), and Slightly Included (SI).

1. Flawless (FL):
- FL diamonds have no internal or external imperfections visible under 10x magnification.
2. Internally Flawless (IF):
- IF diamonds have no internal imperfections visible under 10x magnification.
- They may have minor surface blemishes, which do not detract from their overall beauty and brilliance.
3. Very, Very Slightly Included (VVS1 and VVS2):
- VVS diamonds have very few, tiny inclusions that are extremely difficult to detect even under 10x magnification.
- These inclusions are usually minuscule pinpoints or tiny crystals that have little to no impact on the diamond's brilliance and transparency.
4. Very Slightly Included (VS1 and VS2):
- VS diamonds contain minor inclusions that are typically not visible to the naked eye but may be seen under 10x magnification.
- These inclusions are small and confined to specific areas of the diamond, posing minimal impact on its overall appearance and brilliance.
5. Slightly Included (SI1 and SI2):
- SI diamonds have noticeable inclusions that may be visible under 10x magnification and sometimes to the naked eye.
- Despite their imperfections, SI diamonds still possess good clarity and are often eye-clean, meaning the inclusions are not easily visible without magnification.
6. Included (I1, I2, and I3):
- I diamonds have obvious inclusions that are visible to the naked eye and may affect the diamond's brilliance and transparency.
- These inclusions can include clouds, feathers, or crystals that may impact the overall appearance of the diamond.

Bruise: A tiny area of impact accompanied by very small, root-link feathers.
Cavity: An angular opening created when part of a feather breaks away or when a surface-reaching crystal drops out or is forced out during polishing.
Cloud: Numerous tightly grouped pinpoints that might be indistinguishable individually but together have a hazy appearance.
Crystal: A mineral crystal enclosed within a diamond.
Feather: General trade term for a break in a gemstone, often white and feathery in appearance.
Grain Center: A small, concentrated area of crystal distortion.
Internal Graining: Lines, angles, or curves that might appear whitish, colored, or reflective, or affect transparency at 10x magnification.
Knot: A white or transparent diamond crystal that extends to the surface after fashioning.
Needle: A thin, elongated crystal that looks like a tiny rod at 10x magnification.
Pinpoint: A very small crystal that looks like a tiny dot at 10x magnification.

Abrasion: A series of nicks along the facet junctions of a fashioned diamond, gives the edges a white or fuzzy appearance.
Lizard Skin: Wavy or bumpy area on the surface of a polished diamond.
Nick: A small notch on a facet junction along the girdle edge or at the culet.
Pit: A small opening that looks like a tiny white dot.
Polish-Lines: Fine parallel grooves and ridges occurring on any facet but do not cross facet junctions.
Burn Mark: Hazy surface area that results from excessive heat during polishing.
Rough Girdle: Irregular or granular girdle surface.
Scratch: A thin, dull, white line across the diamond’s surface.

How to Choose Diamond Clarity
Choosing the ideal clarity grade involves considering various factors to ensure you select a stone that meets your preferences and budget. Here are some tips to guide you:
1. Understand Clarity Grading: Familiarize yourself with the clarity grading scale, which ranges from Flawless (FL) to Included (I). Diamonds with fewer or no inclusions are graded higher on the clarity scale and are typically more valuable.
2. Consider Budget: Diamonds with higher clarity grades often come with higher price tags. Consider how clarity interacts with other diamond characteristics, such as cut, color, and carat weight. A well-cut diamond with excellent sparkle may mask certain inclusions, allowing you to prioritize other factors like color or size and maximize your budget.
3. Evaluate Inclusions: When examining diamonds, consider the type, size, and location of inclusions. Some inclusions may be less visible or impact the diamond's brilliance less than others. For example, inclusions located near the edge or under the setting may be less noticeable.
4. Optical Performance: Assess how clarity affects the diamond's brilliance, sparkle, and overall visual appeal. Some inclusions may not affect the diamond's beauty, while others may be more noticeable and detract from its appearance.
5. Seek Expert Advice: If you're uncertain about choosing a diamond based on clarity, feel free to contact our diamond experts. They can provide insights, show you various options, and help you make an informed decision based on your preferences and budget.

Diamond Clarity FAQs
Q1: What is the best diamond clarity?
  A: The best diamond clarity is Flawless (FL) as they have no inclusions or blemishes at 10x magnification.
Q2: How is diamond clarity graded?
  A: Diamond clarity is graded based on the presence and visibility of internal flaws (inclusions) and external blemishes in the diamond. The grading process involves examining the diamond under 10x magnification to assess the size, number, relief, nature, and location of these imperfections.
Q3: Can diamond clarity affect its brilliance and sparkle?
  A: Yes. Diamonds with fewer internal flaws or inclusions tend to have better light performance, allowing light to pass through the stone more freely and creating more brilliance and sparkle.
Q4: Which diamond shapes benefit from a higher clarity grade?
  A: Diamond shapes with larger facets and open designs, such as the emerald cut or Asscher cut, tend to benefit from a higher clarity grade. These shapes have fewer facets and larger table surfaces, making internal flaws or inclusions more visible. Therefore, choosing a higher clarity grade can help enhance the beauty and overall appearance of these diamond shapes.
Q5: What is a clarity enhanced diamond?
  A: A clarity enhanced diamond is a diamond that has undergone treatment to improve its visual appearance by reducing the visibility of internal flaws or inclusions. Common clarity enhancement techniques include laser drilling to remove inclusions or fracture filling to hide surface-reaching cracks.
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